Monday, September 8, 2008

More bug fixes

gtoso and sturedman fixed a bug which affected skin support on localized system.

GonoszTopi worked on the GeoIP integration (IP2Country), making libgeoip optional and prefer static linking .
Edit: I've understood the summary wrong, here's his correction from the comment.
It only checks, if a static link request can be fulfilled and displays a warning if not, reverting to dynamic linkage.

Furthermore he fixed incorrect handling of zipped archives and added another ipfilter file name.

Skolnick's patch to support files bigger than 4 GB with alc and alcc was committed and GonoszTopi fixed the related progress bar display problem.

sturedman also fixed the debug build on MSVC.

Last, but not least, some very good news: gtoso joined our team as a Mac developer and already started on providing valuable help and Mac packages. Welcome!


GonoszTopi said...

"making libgeoip optional and prefer static linking"

This is not true. It only checks, if a static link request can be fulfilled and displays a warning if not, reverting to dynamic linkage.

GonoszTopi said...

Well, I should learn to make my writings mean what I want to.

The real thing is that, libGeoIP is now optional (in the sense that configure doesn't fail if it cannot be found), and static linkage is checked for linker support.

I hope that this is clear enough. Sorry for making misleading posts.