Sunday, December 7, 2008

New tarball format, imminent 2.2.3, new developments

After the reorganization, we introduced a new tarball format based on the developer's revisions. The tarball name aMule-SVN-r9240.tar.bz2 includes the revision "9240" (the 9240th change to aMule) - the higher the revision number the more recent the code change.

Prior to releases we offer tarballs with prerelease code (in lieu for a Release Candidate), those are labeled with "RELEASE-2_2_X" or similar while the current development is labeled "trunk". The release tarball may have a higher revision number than the trunk tarball, don't let this confuse you.

You can download tarballs from the temporary download page at

Thanks to Gnucco, we have a public GIT repository at , which makes it easier to track changes. Thank you, Gnucco!

Furthermore, we're nearing the release of aMule 2.2.3 - if you can, test the provided tarball to help us to provide a new stable version of aMule.

On the new developments side, lfroen continues working on a Cacoa-Gui for aMule, Stu Redman is successfully hunting little bugs, making sure aMule runs and builds fine everywhere. He rewrote the client speed calculation and fixed the core timer and the download limit.
GonoszTopi fixed handling of invalid KAD pakets and is generally busy preparing the 2.2.3 release.

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